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Robert A. Panasci is a partner with Young/Sommer LLC and is recognized as a top rated attorney in the Energy & Natural Resources field. Rob is unique among his peers because of his ability to help clients with financing, real property and tax implications for the development of utility scale wind, solar, energy storage and hydroelectric power projects. This includes preparing and negotiating power purchase and real property agreements and providing counsel on a variety of financing transactions including loans, construction loans, and land development loans. Rob’s experience includes wide-ranging due diligence review of alternative energy projects. In addition, Rob has extensive experience negotiating payment in lieu of tax agreements (“PILOT Agreements”) and host community agreements on behalf of his clients. In addition, Rob has experience “on the other side” representing town boards, planning boards, and zoning boards of appeal.
Bar Admissions
New York, 2002
U.S. District Court Northern District of New York, 2002
Albany Law School Union University, Albany, New York, 2001, J.D.
Honors: Cum Laude
Honors: Merit Scholarship Award
Honors: Justinian Society
Law Journal: Environmental Outlook Law Journal
Law Journal: Albany Law School Journal of Science and Technology, Editorial Staff Member, 1999 – 2001
Siena College, Loudonville, NY, B.A.
Honors: Cum Laude
Major: Philosophy
Minor: Environmental Policy
Published Works
New York State’s Competitive Market for Electricity Generation: An Overview, Albany Law Environmental Outlook, 1, Fall, 2001
Classes/Seminars Taught
2013 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Brownfield Cleanup Program Session
2013 New York State Association of Towns – Litigation Primer
2012 New York State Association of Towns – Passing The Buck (Or Sharing It): Provisions And Tips For Towns To Save Costs on Some Everyday Municipal Issues
2011 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Brownfield Cleanup Program Session
2011 New York Water Laws and Regulations – Funding and Administration of Long Term Stormwater Management
2011 Real Estate Transactions
2009 Real Estate Transactions
Honors and Awards
Air and Waste Management Association Merit Award, 2000 – 2001
Recognized in New York Super Lawyers Magazine – Upstate Edition, 2017
Professional Associations and Memberships
New York State Bar Association, Young Lawyers Section, 2004 – 2007, Environmental Law Liaison
New York State Bar Association, Environmental Law Section, 2001 – Present, Member
New York State Bar Association, Municipal Law Section, 2006 – Present, Member
New York State Bar Association, Executive Committee Member, 2004 – Present
Past Employment Positions
Young, Sommer, Ward, Ritzenberg, Wooley, Baker & Moore, Summer Associate
Legal Assistant Information
Lisa M. Gorman, 518-438-9907 x. 233