Posted on January 27, 2021
EPA takes steps to regulate legacy chemicals under TSCA; DEC adopts measures implementing 2019 climate change law; EPA retains particulate matter and ozone national ambient air quality standards
Posted on December 10, 2020
EPA formally repeals NESHAP once In, always In policy; EPA adopts NSR project emissions accounting rule
Posted on November 12, 2020
DEC issues CRRA implementation guidance; PSC issues orders addressing renewable energy development; DEC updates mercury MDV guidance
Posted on October 20, 2020
Trump administration announces changes to agency investigation/enforcement approach; revised Army Corps nationwide permits proposed; rules implementing new renewable energy siting program proposed
Posted on September 11, 2020
DEC proposes statewide GHG emission limits under 2019 Climate Act; EPA takes steps to implement risk evaluation requirements of TSCA
Posted on August 13, 2020
CEQ overhauls NEPA regulations; EPA updates water quality certification regulations; DOH Planning Council approves drinking water standards for emerging contaminants
Posted on May 12, 2020
Federal government rolls back vehicle GHG emission and fuel efficiency standards; new “waters of the United States” rule issued; DEC proposes changes to air permitting rule
Posted on March 5, 2020
State plastic carryout bag ban implemented; DEC proposes to update trio of air regulations relating to gasoline dispensing facilities, new source review and VOC content limits for consumer products
Posted on January 15, 2020
EPA rescinds key RMP rule changes; DEC issues new visual impact policy; DEC updates architectural and industrial maintenance coating standards; Governor signs key environmental legislation
Posted on December 17, 2019
EPA adds aerosol cans to list of universal waste; DEC proposes plastic carryout bag regulations; DEC proposes updated order on consent policy